Tuesday, October 9, 2007

By way of introduction: my pickle

If you could have it be however you wanted, how would that be? It is perhaps the hardest question I’ve ever asked myself, and this is not the first time. When I was young and impressionable my Grandfather sat me down very seriously and said “As an old man, this is the best piece of advice I can give you: avoid work at all costs.” He cackled at his own absurdity, but I, being impressionable, took his advice to heart. I mean come on, working is not usually fun. I recently decided that jobs (i.e. working for a company rather than yourself) are tools of the man. Looking through those job listings on the NY Times it dawned on me how much the whole concept of “job” is designed to make you feel like you need to work for someone else to make a living. Not true!!

Ok so we have that established: no jobs. What do we want? I’m using the royal we here because I have recently realized that I am trying to do at least five careers at one time these days. I’m designing and sewing my own usable objects and selling them. I co-founded and am the NY minister of the Church of Craft. I’m a landlord. I teach crochet. I perform wedding ceremonies. I design crochet stuff. Okay, that’s six. And I also have a great full incredible life that mostly I just want to live as much as I can! So this is the pickle. How do I make enough: a living that is comfortable; and still do all the things I want to do, am compelled to do, love to do, without having a job? It is an old saw amongst my folk, and it feels indulgent and even immature to think I can have it how I want it. But why not?

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